FCW Monday Night RAW (08/01/2018)
1. Lobinho vs Kane (11:12) - Match ended in no contest after RAW GM Calhoc and Fancy both interfered in the match and brawled.
2. Goldberg attacks Razor Rex backstage and runs away.
3. 3'Lil Pigs vs Hollywood Fofit, Diesel Max & ??? (10:44) - After Razor was attacked NWO had to find a replacement for their scheduled match and their replacement was Tryp who helped them squash the pigs.
4. Backstage Attack Segment (Fafa, António & Chinelinhos are all chilling backstage until The Shield jumps all of them but Fafa manages to fight them back and they walk back).
5. Verduscas Promo (Verduscas responds to Tigrão's challenge by threatening him and throwing tons of shade just to get jumped by him and brawl until backstage).
6. António & Chinelinhos vs The Shield (18:44) - The Shield won after Rollins hit a Curb Stomp on Lefty.
FCW Friday Night SMACKDOWN! (12/01/2018)
1. Egas & FC Porto vs Conspiracy Brothers (06:17) - Ends in no contest after both teams keep brawling backstage without returning to the match.
2. Ryback vs Pingo (00:07) - Ryback won with a Shell Shock.
3. Pascal vs Eddie Guerrero (13:12) - Pascal won after hitting Zero Gravity.
4. Hippy Family are interviewed and asked about their thoughts on their opponents. They responded they are ready for anyone who can gets up to them as they will squash them.
5. Fefe vs Suma (18:37) - Ends in no contest after Undisputed Champion interfers in the match and brawls with Fefe closing the show.
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